Laboratory for Environmental Satellite Applications of the Department of Meteorology of UFRJ - has its activities focused on the teaching and research of remote sensing techniques applied to the monitoring of the atmosphere and terrestrial surface.
More InformationRemote Sensing in Environmental Analysis
Application of remote sensing techniques in the analysis of environmental changes in urban, rural and preserved areas
Satellite Monitoring
Monitoring of land use and occupation, in particular satellite monitoring of forest fires and fires
Meteorological and climatological applications
Meteorological and climatological applications
Remote sensing of the atmosphere
Remote sensing of the atmosphere in particular aerosols and clouds and their interaction
Modeling and its applications
Modeling and applications of the radiative transfer equation
Contribuições do LASA no CIMAN
Eventos Extremos de Calor e Saúde Perinatal
PROGRAMA DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO EM METEOROLOGIA | Inscrições abertas, de 01/12/23 a 15/01/2024.
Nota de pesar | O LASA lamenta a morte de Alberto Setzer, figura incontornável da ciência do fogo no Brasil e no mundo.